Isaac Etter

Isaac Etter is an adoptee and social entrepreneur. Isaac was transracially adopted at the age of two. He is the founder of Identity, a startup focused on using technology to help adoptive and foster parents thrive. At Identity, Isaac is working on re-imaging post-placement support for adoptive and foster families. Isaac uses his story and deep passion for adoption and foster care education to bring relevant, quality, and diverse resources for adoptive and foster parents.

Isaac has used his story of being adopted and growing up in a white world to curate deep conversations about race, identity, and adoption in America. With his unique insight, Isaac has been able to curate impactful discussions about race in America where everyone learns to value each other and their experience, while learning together. Isaac believes these conversations are crucial for child welfare professionals and adoptive and foster parents.


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Sun Mee Martin


Joon Ae Haworth-Kaufka