Daniel Price
Adult Regional Coordinator West TSC Alliance, ICAV USA Rep
Daniel was adopted from mainland China at three years old and currently lives outside the Seattle/Tacoma USA area. He was diagnosed with a rare disease called TSC at six years old. His parents did not know about his condition until they had him evaluated by a dermatologist. Daniel is now a young adult working in the aviation industry. Daniel is also a young adult that identifies as LGBTQ+. Daniel has been involved with the TSC community for about five years and has participated and volunteered a lot of his time to the TSC community locally and globally. spreading awareness and raising money to help find a cure. Daniel started volunteer work with Daniel started volunteering with the TSC Alliance in 2017 just trying to get answers about his health condition. Just in 2023 Daniel has been advocating for both rare diseases and adoptees affected by a rare disease, medical conditions and or disability.
Learn more about TSC
What is TSC, Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin, and lungs. Despite its complexity, understanding this condition can be a source of hope, strength, and empowerment throughout life’s stages.
An Introduction to Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
A booklet intended to provide basic information about tuberous scelerosis complex (TSC).
Featured In
Adults with TSC Newsletter, An Interview with Daniel Price
Finding Purpose in My Life with TSC by Daniel Price: Perspective Fall 2020
Co-hosted an episode of TSC talks
Was a guest on TSC Talks and talks about his work he does in the TSC community
Why it's so important to volunteer in our communities we serve and support. (June 2019)
Rare is program by Horizon Therapeutics
Rare is one minute video on Instagram only for rare disease awareness month 2023
KAAN 2023 Conference: The Intersectionality of Adoptees and Disabilities or Rare Medical Conditions
The Janchi Show: Intersection of Disability and Adoptee Identities
(ICAV) Intercountry Adoptee Voices USA representative
Rare Revelation Magazine Giving a voice to rare adoptees
Health Equity Forum 2023: The Intersectionality of Identity, Culture & the Rare Disease Experience